Automatic garage door openers are a convenient feature found in many homes today. However, not all garage doors near Vancouver, Portland, and Salem come with the latest safety features. For example, some garage doors do not reverse automatically after hitting an obstruction. If you are considering garage door opener installation or just want to keep your family as safe as possible, continue reading.
Never stand, walk, or allow children or pets to run under a moving garage door. Even if you have an automatic garage door opener, it is important to know how to operate your door manually in the event that the power goes out or the garage door opener malfunctions. This is especially important if your garage does not have a door into the house or an exit door to the yard. If you think something is not right with your garage door, do not attempt to repair it on your own. Only a well-trained professional should perform garage door repairs. To schedule an appointment to have your garage door system safety checked and tuned up, call the garage door professionals in the Portland, Salem, and Vancouver areas today.