For most homeowners, the garage is the least insulated part of your home. Not only do poorly insulated garage doors increase household energy costs, but they can also increase the risk for moisture damage and pest infestations. Even if you don’t spend a great deal of time in your garage, an insulated door is worth looking into. Continue reading to find out whether you should consider replacing your garage door near Vancouver, Portland, or Salem with an energy-saving insulated garage door.
Energy Efficiency
If your garage is attached to your home, insulated garage doors will help to improve your entire home’s energy efficiency. Uninsulated steel garage doors are particularly prone to heat loss. Garages are large and will naturally conduct heat from your home in the wintertime, both through the walls shared with the garage and the garage entryway.
Moisture Control
There is often a large temperature difference between the inside of a garage and the outside air. Without insulation, this temperature difference can lead to the formation of moisture in the garage. Proper garage door weather seal and weather stripping also help to keep leaves, rain, and snow out of your garage.
Wood garage doors are nature’s best insulators; however, steel insulated doors will also provide additional comfort and beauty to your home. Insulated doors come in a variety of materials, styles, and colors to suit any home and any budget.
Garage Noise Issues
If you want to reduce some of the noise from your garage, consider insulating the wall shared by your garage and your home. An insulated garage door can also help keep noise from the street and neighborhood out of your garage and your home.
Use of Garage
Do you use your garage as your “mancave” or workshop? Insulated garage doors can make your garage a great deal more comfortable, they can also help cars stay cooler in the summer and start easier and warm up faster in the winter.
To keep your home as comfortable as possible, consider a new garage door, or a tune-up and inspection of the weather stripping of your existing garage door today. Professional installers and repair technicians in the Vancouver, Portland, and Salem areas can help you keep your home and garage comfortable and help lower your energy costs.